Mother and Music

As the Hindu festival of Navratri comes to an end for another year, I find myself reflecting on its significance and meaning in my life. For many, it is a time of connection; connection with Spirit and with community. For me, it is a time of connection with Mother and Music.

During Navratri, the aspects of the Divine Mother are celebrated and worshipped. The aspect of Mother that holds a special place in my mind and heart is that of Goddess Saraswati, the Mother who imparts knowledge and wisdom, particularly through music and fine arts. Just as the river Saraswati nourishes and flows to all along Her banks without discrimination, Mother Saraswati is depicted as giving to all who are willing and seeking of knowledge.

Throughout the ages, Mothers throughout the world have served as living embodiments of Saraswati, gifting knowledge and wisdom through whispers of lullaby, song, story and poetry. My own Mother gifted me music. Through music, she shared stories, values and life lessons. Through song, she demonstrated how to express emotion. Through singing, she taught me how to connect with a deep spirituality. My mother, then, is truly my own living, breathing, tangible embodiment of Saraswathi.

As this Navratri ends, I find myself reflecting on my role as a mother, and what I can do in some way to impart knowledge to my child and to others. The Divine Mother and the foremothers of our world are my beacons of inspiration.

As Navratri ends, I invite you to ask yourself - how can you, in your own way, be a real-life “vessel” and embodiment of Mother Saraswati, imparting knowledge and skills to those who are willing to learn? If we all could be more open to giving and sharing, and equally open to learning from others, what difference would this make to our relationships, and our world at large?

Thank you for reading this far! May you always be inspired to learn, enquire, share and grow.

Menaka Thomas is a singer and songwriter, fusing the realms of Indian traditional music with contemporary and other world music influences. Menaka is passionate about sharing music, and the peace and inner strength that music can bring.

To get in touch with Menaka, contact her on or through her website