Stepping Forward - With My Inner Critic

So, who on earth do I think I am?

I am no performer.

Who’s going to like my music anyway?

It’s that voice. Do you recognise it?  It’s the one that I have come to know as the “Inner Critic”. A wise friend once coined it as my “Inner Bulldozer”. Well – whatever its name – it is here, and it is loud.

Why? Because I am choosing to embark on a new journey; a journey into being a solo, dare I say it, professional musician! It is the unknown, it is change and it is definitely NOT my comfort zone. 

The Inner Critic has stopped me many times before. It has offered up excuses of tradition, inadequacy, and humility. 

A certain series of events in my life have since challenged these theories. I now figure it is time to challenge the voice of the Inner Critic, step up and step forward. 

How?  Well, I am recording an album. I am being interviewed on radio.  I am running workshops. I am reaching out to other musicians. I am working myself to one day performing, as a solo artist.

It feels very uncomfortable.  I wrestle with the feeling of my guts being wrenched within me…and I take a deep breath in… and step up and forward. 

Thank you for coming this far with me. You have helped me to take that step. 

With gratitude to my teachers and to the Divine, I move forward with the intention of offering music to unite, inspire and instil inner peace.

And I’ll drag that Inner Critic around with me, whether it likes it or not!